发表时间:2023-12-07 08:04:19 浏览:0
[–]RaptorsKingREX_24 533 points 5 hours ago
Players are shooting 40.5% (-7.2%) from the field when defended by LeBron which is 1st among forwards this season.
[–]Charlotte BobcatsNotManyBuses 314 points 5 hours ago
He’s one of the best defensive players ever. This should not really be debatable
[–]LakersOldManBrom 54 points 5 hours ago
bUt hE dOEsNt pLAy dEFenSen
[–]MavericksFurryHentaiAdmirer 92 points 5 hours ago
Appreciate greatness while you still can. Sadly, my glorious KING JAMES won't be around for too much longer...
[–]Kingsrattlemebones 72 points 5 hours ago
You gonna kill him?
[–]MavericksFurryHentaiAdmirer 9 points 4 hours ago
Why! I would NEVER do that to my glorious king...
[–]Sunscheezeflavoredick 24 points 4 hours ago
The Lebron James of stab wound doctors is just gonna dig him out of the grave and have him back on the court by January
[–]Ayjel89 355 points 5 hours ago
Suns shot 12% better from the field and 18% better from three, and Lakers won by forcing 20 turnovers and getting 27 more shots on goal.
[–]LakersEveryShot 121 points 4 hours ago
It’s one of those instances where solid D can really bring it. Won’t work against a score machine like Boston but we can squeak these wins out with mediocre offense every now and then
[–]LakersRedditkid16 18 points 3 hours ago
Don’t forget 21-8 on offensive boards
[–]Air_Enthusiast 241 points 4 hours ago
Lakers shot 27 more FG but made only 1 more than the Suns
Thank fuck for defense
[–]Flat_Blackberry3815 110 points 5 hours ago
Feels like all the Sun's role-players became afraid to shoot in the last 5 minutes.
[–]LakersLegalistigician 407 points 5 hours ago
Man its really unfortunate that timeout call is gonna take away from an otherwise great game
新闻链接>>>>>>几乎同时!里夫斯被太阳双人包夹濒临失误 詹姆斯赶紧叫出暂停
[–]Wizardsyoungsaiyan 76 points 5 hours ago
It really sucks. What an incredible game
[–]Lakerskingofgamesbrah 15 points 4 hours ago
I agree. That's not how you wanna win
[–]cycko 2 points 2 hours ago
i love KD's quote basically "it's 1 call in a 48 minute game, i dont like complaining about calls" its the only right way to look at it.
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[–]Lakersmarkjay6 -14 points 5 hours ago*
Not for me. If they hadn’t called the timeout, then it would have been a foul by Booker.
新闻链接>>>>>>里夫斯:我认为布克撞到了我&但没有响哨 詹姆斯高球商叫了暂停
[–]SunsDaCheez 9 points 5 hours ago
Absolutely no foul on Booker there.
[–]Minneapolis LakersVexing_Pie 9 points 5 hours ago
I might’ve not had my glasses on but he humps Reaves a couple times
[–]SunsBrewmaster33 5 points 4 hours ago
Reaves did some twerking to be fair, all was consensual
[–]LakersOldManBrom 81 points 5 hours ago
KD is a killer man. I fully expected the last shot to go in
[–]Lakersmikedanktony 23 points 4 hours ago
Bro ngl I was ready to be in shambles the way he pulled up
[–]Lakersahr3410 238 points 5 hours ago
Lakers Pelicans for the West. What everybody wanted since the AD trade
[–]Macchiiavvelli 51 points 5 hours ago
AD vs BI
独行侠球迷:浓眉 vs 英格拉姆
[–]NBABiglundtry 26 points 5 hours ago
Ingram going for 40
[–]Lakersdookoo 43 points 5 hours ago
I wouldn't be mad.
[–][LAL] Metta World Peaceeasthollywoodhouse 23 points 4 hours ago
Yeah, no matter the circumstance I'll be at peace so long as BI is cooking
[–]LakersImRightShutUp1 60 points 5 hours ago
As a die hard refs fan you can’t tell me they weren’t the best on the floor tonight
[–]SunsKrazySocoKid 42 points 5 hours ago
GG lakers. Lebron and KD are still amazing. Too many turnovers and bad rebounding from us. Looking forward to the healthy rematch.
[–][LAL] Kobe BryantRaj2324 59 points 5 hours ago
Amazing game. Felt like the playoffs.
That was a loose ball though.
新闻链接>>>>>>沃格尔质疑暂停吹罚:那是一个loose ball 你不能在这时候吹暂停
[–]SunsJust_A_Glitch 410 points 5 hours ago
We lost because we turned the ball over 87 times. But that doesn't change the fact that that was a game-deciding terrible call
[–]LakersBigBallerBryant 38 points 5 hours ago
That TO was bullshit, even if it benefits LAL
[-]1 40 points 5 hours ago
Silver called it in
[–]Final-Luck-4222 12 points 5 hours ago
Silver wanted to ensure that at least one of the Lakers or Celtics reached Vegas.
[–]WarriorsCurrymvp2 31 points 5 hours ago
Was so cool to learn today that you can call a timeout even if you don't have clear possession of the basketball、
[–]KnicksThe_Notorious_Donut 9 points 5 hours ago
Suns played horribly and they deserve to lose but holy shit that call lmao
[–]LakersBarelyContainedChaos 2 points 5 hours ago
I dont know if I can handle multiple heart attacks in early in a season.
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